Registering a .it (Italy) domain as a US citizen

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Registering a .it (Italy) domain as a US citizen

Post by atb » Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:03 pm

I've been looking for a vanity domain lately, and sadly my first and last name are somewhat common so naturally are mostly all taken.

When searching gandi I was able to find out that was available, which I thought would be cute to throw on my resume since I work in IT, and was only $16.

Unfortunately, as you might know, .it domains are restricted to citizens of Italy and or the EU (I think), so the only way I would be able to register the domain is through a trustee service headquartered in Italy. That's fine by me, but my Google searching has only left me with GoDaddy's offer, which I'd rather not take because A) It more than doubles the price, B) It's done through ANOTHER third-party on top of GoDaddy, and C) I'd rather not deal with GoDaddy for anything ever.

So, to get to my questions:

Would any know of any reputable (and preferably cheap) trustee services like the one described above that can help me register an .it as a US citizen?

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