I will try to offer some hints on this thread about how to keep the private data... well, private

Each time you give out some details about you online, it is out of your control, EVEN if you post it on your own site. If google indexed it, or other robots, some people saw and saved it, it doesn't matter much if you delete it later, someone will still have it.
Every day we have Paypal accounts "hacked", credit card details stolen, even whole identities...
Not so long time ago, people were thinking using your credit card online is not safe and your money will be stolen.
Well, things are not that bad, the risk exists, but there are ways to mitigate it.
I will try to explain you how to:
1. Keep your core assets fully private while still managing to make payments online;
2. Defend against phishing and malware used to steal your data;
3. Keeping your data away from government surveillance;
4. For the real paranoid and people living in countries where free speech is punishable by the law, how to be known and anonymous in the the same time...
For now, look at this video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... 7pYHN9iC9I
While it is a commercial, you do know that is true... You do put your data online, and even if you don't, others might, with or without your consent.
Time to act. See below on a long series about privacy and safety online.